ACA Distinguished Service Award

In 2002 the Board of Regents established the Distinguished Service Award to acknowledge extraordinary services rendered to the Academy by its members. It recognizes exemplary, outstanding, or extended and sustained service to the Academy. Honorees may be recognized for exceptional achievement in a particular service area, for service to the Academy that goes well beyond expectation, for outstanding leadership, or for significant accomplishment over a sustained period of time. Nominees must be or at one time have been a member of the Academy, and the award may be given posthumously.

The Award

The Distinguished Service Award consists of a plaque, a special lapel pin, and citation of the award recipient’s services on the ACA website.

Nomination and Confirmation

The Distinguished Service Award Committee, chaired by the Vice-President, reviews the nominations. If the committee endorses a nomination, then the issue goes before the Board of Regents at the Mid-Winter board meeting. The award is confirmed only after an affirmative majority vote by the Board of Regents.


The President presents the Distinguished Service Award at the ACA luncheon or business meeting at the annual joint meeting of SAA/ACA (usually in August).

Additional Rules

The ACA is under no obligation to present the Distinguished Service Award in any particular year, and in any case shall never give more than two such awards in one calendar year.


To make a nomination, submit it to the ACA Secretariat at Nominations received by April 15 are eligible for consideration by the Distinguished Service Award Committee for that year. Nominations should include either additional supporting letters or the names of the other persons to contact for further information concerning the nominee. Each candidate shall be considered individually and confidentially and will be judged according to the criteria listed above.


Past Recipients of the ACA Distinguished Servants Award

  • 2023     Tomaro Taylor
  • 2022     Frank Evans
  • 2021     Todd Welch and Michael Bullington
  • 2020     James T. Havron and Louis Jones
  • 2019     Linda Hocking and Becky Haglund Tousey
  • 2018     Mott Linn and Gregor Trinkaus-Randall
  • 2017     Daphne O. DeLeon
  • 2016     Maygene Daniels and Jane Kenamore
  • 2015     J. Frank Cook and James B. Rhoads
  • 2014     Gregory Hunter
  • 2013     Mary Elizabeth Ruwell
  • 2012     Martin Levitt
  • 2011     David B. Gracy II and Michael E. Holland
  • 2010     Jane Nokes and Cindy Smolovik
  • 2009     Carla Summers and Edie Hedlin
  • 2008     John Fleckner and Charles Schultz
  • 2007     Trudy Huskamp Peterson and Willow Powers
  • 2006     Elizabeth Adkins and James B. Byers
  • 2005     Anne P. Diffendal
  • 2004     Leon C. Miller
  • 2003     Susan Maclin

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