Pay Your Dues

ACA Annual Dues Payment begins on July 1, 2021. Invoices will be emailed to members at that time as well. Your renewal is administered through the ACA’s new membership database.

Please note: Regular member dues were raised from $50.00 to $75.00 as a result of  a vote of the membership in early 2021.

You will be able to pay online, directly through your profile once you log in. You can also download an invoice to pay by check.

To log in, go to and click the log in button in the upper right corner:










On the next page, please click the “Forgot Password?” link:

Forgot password













Input your username on the following page the click the submit button.

Once you reset your password, go to and log in. Click the “Renew now” link at the right to renew.

If you have not received an email from or with your renewal instructions, please contact the ACA office.

Dues cover the membership period from July 1st, through June 30th each year, regardless of the date paid. So to extend your time as a member in good standing with dues paid fully. Think “sooner” rather than “later”.

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Salons:

"2025 ACA Exam Q&A 2.0"
Monday, March 31 | 5 PM ET