Guide to the Exam

The Examination

The examination has 100 multiple-choice questions based on the Role Delineation Statement for Professional Archivists.   

You have three hours for the examination. The clock starts when you begin the first question. It will pause as the next question is loaded. If your internet connection slows, you will still have the full three hours.  

Each question has only one correct response. You can flag questions if you want to go back to them later during the examination. There is no penalty for guessing; attempt to answer all questions.   

The examination will be proctored by Certified Archivists using breakout rooms in Zoom. You will be the only examinee in the breakout room. Proctors may come in and out of the breakout room like a proctor or teacher walking around a room; during an in-person examination. 

Rules for the Examination 

Make certain the space you will use is free of people, pets, and clutter (no papers, no writing instruments), anything that might get in the way of your testing experience. The proctor will verify your identity (you must have a government-issued photo ID) and check your surroundings. You will need to agree to the General Terms of Use and Non-Disclosure Agreement (found at the end of this page) to take the examination. 

 You will be allowed  

  • To take a break to use the restroom but otherwise you must stay on screen for the duration of the examination;   

  • To have one clear bottle of water on the desk for occasional sips; and   

  • To wear a mask or face covering during the examination (you will need to remove it briefly to verify your identity with your ID).  

You will not be allowed   

  • To have a blurred, photo, or video background;  

  • To have books, papers, or other reference materials in the testing space;   

  • To have any writing instruments or recording devices, and   

  • To have cell phones, tablets, calculators, cameras, and other electronic devices on or near your testing space (devices needed to assist with disability accommodations are exempted from this exclusion).  

Special Accommodations 

If you have a disability or condition that affects your ability to take the examination, indicate your condition during registration. The Academy has a formal policy of working with and supporting applicants with health-related needs. We will make every reasonable effort to accommodate all such applicants. Please contact for assistance.  

Examination Results 

The ACA Office will report your results approximately four weeks after you take the examination. The results are evaluated by a professional testing expert prior to finalization. 

Results are reported as High Pass, Pass, Low Pass, and Did Not Pass. We do not release the actual passing score because that can change from examination to examination. The method used by ACA is very similar to examinations like the SAT and others where raw numbers are converted to a standard scale. 

Your examination results will include how you scored in the different domains. Some questions do cover more than one domain. Those questions are reported under their primary domain.  

Contact our office at to learn more about what you should do if you need a duplicate copy of your scores.  

Successful Completion of the Examination 

Should you receive a passing score on the archival certification examination and have the necessary experience qualifications, you will be eligible to join the Academy of Certified Archivists and achieve the status of Certified Archivist. The certification fee of $75 is due within thirty days of receiving notification of successful completion of the examination payable within the Prolydian system. After ACA receives your certification fee, you may use the designation Certified Archivist if you continue to pay your annual dues and recertify by petition or examination every five years. 

If you receive a passing score, but have not yet earned the necessary experience qualifications, you will be admitted as a “provisional member.” As a provisional member, you will have three years to submit a job description of a qualifying position and a letter from a supervisor indicating that you have successfully completed one year in that position. The Academy will pro-rate part-time work.  

The job description and supervisor letter should be sent to the Regent for Exam Administration at After approval, you must pay the US $75 certification fee following the same procedures above to be considered a full member of the Academy. Provisional members have the option to pay a reduced membership fee, US $35, which allows them to participate in ACA while they gain their qualifying experience. Contact the ACA Association Manager for more details. 

Applicants who pass the examination but do not submit evidence of qualifying professional experience within the deadline will forfeit all fees paid and must take the test again to be certified.  

Unsuccessful Completion of the Examination 

If you do not pass the examination, you are welcome to retake it. If you wish to retake the examination, contact the ACA Secretariat for more information. After a certain length of time, you will need to apply again. Members of the Academy may be available as mentors to help with your study.  

Duration of Certification 

Certification is for five years (starting on January 1 after the examination), after which recertification is required.  

Like other certifying bodies, you must pay your certification fee and your yearly dues to use the designation "Certified Archivist."  

General Terms of Use and Non-Disclosure Agreement 

Updated June 9, 2021  

Please read carefully. You must agree to the General Terms of Use and the Non-Disclosure Agreement to take the examination.  This will be sent to you in Prolydian for your digital signature. 

General Terms of Use   

You will need to agree to the following terms prior to taking the exam:   

  • I have read and I understand and agree to the procedures and rules presented to me prior to testing.   

  • I certify that I am the person whose name and address appear on the check-in screen.   

  • I also certify that I am taking the ACA Examination intending to become a Certified Archivist, and I agree to comply with and be bound by the ACA Examination General Terms of Use and Non-Disclosure Agreement.   

  • I have read, understand, and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the Guide to the Certified Archivist Examination, including without limitation those related to:   

  • ACA fees and other testing policies, and score cancellations for irregularities and inappropriate examinee conduct.   

  • Ownership of the ACA Examination, all rights therein, and all test related records by the Academy of Certified Archivists.   

  • Privacy policies describing the collection, use, processing, protection and transmission to the United States of my personal information (including a picture of my government-issued ID and any audio and video recording collected during remote proctoring if required), my test responses, and those describing the disclosure of such data to ACA, its service provider, Prolydian, and others as necessary to prevent fraud or other unlawful activity or as required by law.   

  • The exclusive remedies available to me in the event of an error in scheduling, administration or security of the reporting of my scores   

  • I understand that the ACA Examination is a confidential and secure test, protected by civil and criminal laws of the United States and elsewhere.   

  • I certify that I have not knowingly accessed “live” ACA Examination questions or answers that might appear on my test and will not discuss the content of the examination with anyone during or after the examination period.   

  • I will not record, copy, or disclose any examination questions or answers, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means before, during, or after I take the ACA Examination (orally; in writing; in any Internet “chat room” or website, through social media, message boards, or virtual or in person forums; by SMS or text; or otherwise).  

  • I understand and agree that if I provide false information or if I violate any of the ACA Examination rules and procedures, or any other terms or conditions stated in the ACA Guide to the Certified Archivist Examination:   

  • The examination proctor/test administrator may immediately dismiss me from the examination session.   

  • My scores may be canceled without refund.   

  • I may be banned from retaking the ACA Examination.   

  • I may be subject to other consequences, as ACA deems appropriate.   

  • I understand that if I do not agree to these conditions, I will not be permitted to take the examination, and I will forfeit my examination fee.   

Non-Disclosure Agreement  

You must not:   

  • Record   

  • Copy   

  • Disclose in any fashion any examination question or answer, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means (orally, in writing, on any Internet “chat room” or website,” through social media, message boards, or virtual or in person forums; via SMS/text, or otherwise) at any time.   

If you are found to have disclosed any information about your examination, your examination (or membership in the Academy) will be forfeited and you may not be permitted to sit for the examination in future.    

By providing my digital signature, I give ACA and Prolydian my permission to retain, process, store and transmit the following:   

  • My personal information related to the examination, including the picture of my government-issued ID if required.   

  • Any video and audio recordings that include me while taking the examination.   

  • My test responses to the United States, which may be outside of the country in which I am taking the examination.   

For additional information concerning the collection, transmission, and processing of your personal data (including, without limitation, examination results and any audio/video recording), refer to the Prolydian Privacy Policy at   

If you do not agree to comply with and be bound by the Academy of Certified Archivists Examination (ACA Exam) General Terms of Use and Non-Disclosure Agreement, you will not be allowed to take the examination.  

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"2025 ACA Exam Q&A 2.0"
Monday, March 31 | 5 PM ET