2025 Certified Archivists Examination Information

Examination Dates: June 12-14, 2025

The 2025 Certified Archivists examination will be offered online June 12-14, 2025. The 3-hour exam will be offered at multiple time options during the three days of testing. Applicants approved to take the exam will receive information about how to complete their examination registration when they receive their application approval notice of application approval. ACA will no longer hold an in-person exam.

If you are retaking the exam under Option 4, please contact the ACA Office Manager at office@certifiedarchivists.org by April 30 to inform ACA of your intention to take the exam in 2025. You do not need to apply again.

Application Period and Review: March 1 - April 30, 2025

The application system will open at 12:00 PM ET, March 1, 2025, and will remain open until  11:59 PM ET April 30, 2025. 

To apply, go to https://app.prolydian.com/organizations/ACA

See Qualifying to take the Certified Archivists Examination for a complete discussion on the necessary qualifications and documentation. An application will not be reviewed until all required documents have been submitted, including official transcripts. All applications are reviewed by at least two reviewers. If additional supporting documentation is requested, you must submit it by May 15, 2025.

Application, Examination, and Certification Fees

The fees for the 2025 Certified Archivists examination are listed below.

Application Fee: $30

The application fee to take the 2025 Certified Archivist Examination is $30. The application fee is non-refundable.

Please note: There will also usually be a fee charged by your college, university or transcript clearing house to send the ACA an official transcript. This fee is paid directly to the college, university, or transcript clearing house, not to the ACA. An application will not be reviewed until the transcript is received. 

Those applying under Option 3 who have not finished their degree at the time of the application can send an unofficial transcript for review. However, they must send an official transcript after passing, or before retaking, the examination.

Options 1-4, Examination Fee: $75

The examination fee to take the 2025 Certified Archivist Examination is $75. This fee is paid at the time you register to take the exam. 

We understand that there are circumstances that arise which may prevent you from taking the exam after registering.:

  • If you cancel your examination between the time your registration and 24 hours prior to the examination, you will receive a refund of your examination fee minus a $15 processing fee.
  • If you cancel your exam less than 24 hours prior to the examination, miss the examination, or provide inadequate identification at the time of the examination, you will forfeit the full amount of the examination fee.

Certification Fee: $75

After successfully passing the examination, you will be eligible to join the Academy of Certified Archivists. The certification fee of $75 is due within thirty days of receiving notification of successful completion of the examination. After ACA receives your certification fee, you may use the designation Certified Archivist as long as you continue to pay your annual dues and recertify by either petition or by examination every five years.

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