Emeritus Status

The knowledge and experience of all Certified Archivists throughout their careers are invaluable to the Academy of Certified Archivists and our profession. Retired CAs or those otherwise no longer performing daily archival work may qualify for Emeritus status.

What is meant by daily archival work? Emeritus status might be an option for a CA working in a museum who finds their position has evolved so that their work responsibilities and professional development are now focused on museum collections and related functions. In another qualifying example, perhaps a CA has moved from the Head of Special Collections to a Dean of Libraries position and is no longer able to meet the requirements to recertify by petition or examination.

Emeritus status:

  • honors contributions to the archival profession
  • allows those in changing professional circumstances to remain active with the ACA
  • reduces annual dues to $10.00
  • permits the member to use the CA Emeritus designation upon payment of annual dues
  • once approved, does not require recertification to maintain

To qualify, candidates must have recertified at least once since taking the exam, be current on all dues and/or fees, and not have let their certification lapsed.

Certified Archivists who wish to join the ranks of the CA Emeriti must apply in writing by sending an email explaining their circumstances to the Regent for Certification Maintenance. Supporting documentation may be required.

Note: Emeritus Status is not meant for CAs who are unemployed, experiencing challenging personal circumstances, or otherwise temporarily unable to maintain certification. Please contact the Regent for Certification Maintenance for assistance.

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"2025 ACA Exam Q&A 2.0"
Monday, March 31 | 5 PM ET