
Publications written by ACA members or articles written about the ACA and its history.

“Certification in America: The ACA Example.” by Jim Byers

“The Archival Certification Examination” by Mary Elizabeth Ruwell  (The link connects to the January/February, 2012 issue of Archival Outlook. The article begins on Page 12.)

“20 Years and Growing“ A presentation presented at the ACA’s 20th Anniversary Celebration in 2009.

Past Presidents of the Academy of Certified Archivists (A list of ACA Boards of Directors since 1989 is located here.)


The following articles are written by members of the Academy of Certified Archivists and discuss the history and impact of the ACA:

“Looking Back Looking Forward: Historical Essays on the ACA’s Tenth Anniversary”

“Ten Years After: Reflections on the Academy’s First Year.” by Gregory S. Hunter,

“Building on a New Foundation.” by Maygene Daniels,

“Academy growing pains: Reorganization and Implementation of Dues.” by Elizabeth Adkins

“Not Waiting for Godot: The History of the Academy of Certified Archivists and the Professionalization of the Archival Field” by Mott Linn



The following list comprises a selection of articles related to certification and examination. Visitors are encouraged to consult issues of our newsletter, “ACA News” for additional readings.

Bruce Dearstyne, “The Archival Profession: Meeting Critical Institutional and Social Needs” 

Anne Diffendal, “Evaluative Efficacy

Susan Maclin, “Why Certify?

Sharon Perry Martin, “Encouragement from a New Member

Martin Levitt, “An Employer’s Point of View

Rosalye A. Settles, “Three is the Charm: Certification by Examination

Kristine L. Toma, “Certification Maintenance by Petition: A View from a Petition Review Team Member

Kevin J. Williams, “How the Archival Certification Exam is Developed and Evaluated

Jan Zastrow, “Preparing for the Exam; or, How I Spent My Summer Vacation


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"2025 ACA Exam Q&A 2.0"
Monday, March 31 | 5 PM ET