Joshua Kitchens, Candidate for Regent for Examination Development

Director, Archives and Information Studies Programs Clayton State University, 2015-Present
Archivist, Special Collections Georgia College and State University, 2008-2015
- Academy of Certified Archivists, Regent for Outreach, 2020-2022; Chair, RDS Review Committee, 2019-2020; Exam Development Committee, 2017-2020
- Society of Georgia Archivists: Treasurer, 2022
- Society of American Archivists: Member 2008-Present
“What is the role of archival certification in the modern work environment?"
Simply stated certification gives archivists confidence. Confidence that they know the important knowledge and tasks of our field as understood by their peers in the ACA. Confidence that they have a certification that can be taken to an employer to prove that their knowledge is valuable and important. Confidence to know that through participation in the ACA that they are maintaining a commitment to ensure that our field strives to be constantly learning, improving and supporting its new members.