Changes to Upcoming Recertification Cycles in Response to COVID-19

Instructions on how to enter your activities in the recertification portal can be found here.

The Academy of Certified Archivists (ACA) leadership has been working hard to adapt to our rapidly changing environment and stay available for Certified Archivists (CA) across the world. We took our exam online in a dramatically short timeline, adjusted the recertification petition period, and moved our annual meeting activities to virtual platforms.

We have also considered the impact 2020 will have on future recertification cycles, as CAs have struggled with job loss and many cancelled professional activities since March. There is one thing we can all agree on – we do not want the issues of 2020 to affect any member’s standing with the Academy.

To that end, ACA is extending the current recertification cycle by 1 year. Every Certified Archivist active as of August 1, 2020, will have an additional year to complete activities and reach the 100-credit minimum for recertification. We will not be reviewing petitions in 2021.

Due to recertify in: You’ll now submit a petition (or take the exam) in: Covering the period:
2021 2022 January 1, 2016-
December 31, 2021
2022 2023 January 1, 2017-
December 31, 2022
2023 2024 January 1, 2018-
December 31, 2023
2024 2025 January 1, 2019-
December 31, 2024
2025 2026 January 1, 2016-
December 31, 2021

We hope this additional year will give you the time needed to adjust for any losses during the crisis and to encourage you to keep participating in professional activities, exploring new virtual workshop opportunities, and sharing your knowledge through newsletters and journals. Once you complete the recertification cycle above, all CAs will return to the regular 5-year cycle. See the FAQs for an expanded chart.

Over the coming months, the Board will be working on additional guidance for how to complete petitions and how to count 2020 activities. We’ll also be using this next year to further improve our petition process including the available documents, forms, and resources. We know you will have questions and have provided answers to a few we expect to receive below.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we work through the process. Feel free to contact the Regent for Certification Maintenance with any comments or questions.

Stephanie Bayless
ACA Regent for Certification Maintenance



I’m unclear about when I’ll need to recertify next. Can you tell me? 

Yes! Every active CA will receive a communication from ACA in the coming months that will tell you exactly when you are due to recertify again under the new plan. We’ll need to make the adjustments to our member database before this can happen. In the meantime, please continue to keep track of your activities. You are also welcome to contact the Regent for Certification Maintenance at any time.

Original Recertification Year New COVID Recertification Year Covering Activities From: Next Recertification Year: Covering Activities From:
2021 2022 January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2021 2027 January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2026
2022 2023
January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2022
January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2027
2023 2024
January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2023
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2028
2024 2025
January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2024
January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2029
2025 2026
January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2025
January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2030


I was originally due to recertify in 2021 and have enough recertification credits. Can I still submit a petition in 2021?

No, to correctly manage the process we will not be reviewing petitions in 2021. Hold on to your materials and submit in the following year.

COVID-19 is going to have long lasting impacts  and will continue to change professional engagement, development, and employment activities. Will future extensions be offered?

No, this is a one-time extension of time to account for the unexpected and widespread changes in 2020. Professional organizations are quickly responding to the need for virtual conference and educational options. We anticipate our CAs will be able to adjust.

The recertification petition has limits of credits that can be claimed for each section (up to 40 credits for 5 years of full-time work, for example). Will these be expanded?

No, we are not planning to adjust any of the limits in individual sections. With professional organizations adjusting to offer virtual options for education, writing/publishing, and volunteer professional service, CAs will have numerous avenues to make-up lost credits and reach 100 points. We do not expect the existing limits to hinder recertification. We have always recommended that CAs include more than the required 100 points in their application.

I was due to recertify in 2020, but was given an extension or deferral to submit a petition or take the exam. How does this affect me?

If this question applies to you, you will need to submit your petition or sit for the exam on the schedule discussed with the Regent for Certification Maintenance and/or Regent for Exam Administration. The Regent for Certification Maintenance will contact the few people this applies to directly to make sure their timeline is clear.

I’m a newly minted CA who took the exam in 2020. Does this apply to me?

No. Your initial recertification period will be January 1, 2021-December 31, 2025, and will not need adjustment to account for activities cancelled in 2020.

I was scheduled to teach a class or give a presentation that was cancelled in 2020. Will I still be able to get credit?

We are developing additional guidance for this situation and will issue it as soon as possible. Save any documentation you have (programs, confirmation emails/letters, etc.) that show you were on the schedule of the event/program/school.

Remember, our goal is to help you become and remain a CA. Additional guidance will be forthcoming. Once that is out, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have concerns about getting enough points to recertify; the sooner we know, the sooner we may be able to help.

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"2025 ACA Exam Q&A 2.0"
Monday, March 31 | 5 PM ET