2024 ACA Election

ACA Ballot Box

2024 ACA Election Candidate Information


Stephanie Bayless, CA

Stephanie Bayless Image

Professional Experience:

Director, National Archives at San Francisco: 2016-Present. Archivist and Assistant Manager, Manuscripts Division, Butler Center for Arkansas Studies: 2009-2016. Archival Assistant, Butler Center for Arkansas Studies: 2007-2009.


Master of Arts in Public History, University of Arkansas at Little Rock: 2008. Bachelor of Arts in History, University of Arkansas at Little Rock: 2005.

Professional Activities:

Academy of Certified Archivists: Member, 2010-Present; Regent for Certification Maintenance, 2019-2023; Petition Review Team Member, 2015, Team Leader, 2016-2017. Society of American Archivists: Archival Compensation Task Force, 2020-2022; Government Records Section Steering Committee, 2018-2023 (Chair, 2019-2020); Waldo Gifford Leland Award Subcommittee, 2017-2020 (Chair, 2019-2020); Harold T. Pinkett Minority Student Award Subcommittee, 2015-2016; Women’s Collections Roundtable, 2013-2015 (Chair, 2014-2015); Archival Innovator Award Subcommittee, 2012-2014 (Chair, 2013-2014); Key Contact for Arkansas, 2012-2016. National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators: Program Committee, 2024. Society of California Archivists: Awards Committee, 2018-2019; Publications Committee, 2016-2020; Program Committee, 2018. Western Archives Institute: Site Selection Committee, 2020. Society of Southwest Archivists: Board Member, 2015-2017; Publications Committee, Arkansas Liaison, 2014-2016; Site Selection Committee, 2013-2017; Professional Development Committee, 2013-2015; Annual Meeting Local Arrangements Committee Member and Treasurer, 2011.

What do you think the major priority is for this position?

The Academy of Certified Archivists has changed rapidly over the last few years. We’ve grappled with our continuously developing profession, rising to the challenge and adapting to meet the needs of our membership. When the world went into lockdown in 2020, ACA quickly – and successfully – pivoted to an online exam, virtual member connections, and a digital certification portal (tooting my own horn with that last one!). Serving on the Board as Regent for Certification Maintenance during such a tumultuous period, I was amazed by the level of innovation that came from our Certified Archivists in such a short time.

We’ve started our transformation; now it is time to continue.

ACA’s ongoing work on the job analysis looks to the future, allowing our organization to update our understanding of and our meaning to the professional archivist. Cementing our relationship with the Society of American Archivists and other professional groups is key to our continued relevancy. This relationship building is where I see the most opportunity for the Academy, increasing our value to Certified Archivists, to institutions, and to the profession. If selected as Vice President/President Elect, I will make it a priority to build on the work done by our current and former leadership to further develop these connections and formalize mutual agreements.  

When I originally sought certification, I saw it as something to compliment my Public History degree and “prove” that I was a qualified archivist. I saw it as a means to an end. After nearly 15 years, however, I now see certification as the symbol of professional responsibility that it is, and I am personally invested in supporting the Academy and its Certified Archivists.

Rosemary Pleva Flynn, CA

Rosemary Flynn Image

Professional Experience:

Principle Librarian and Archivist (current position), Library & Information Services, Energy & Environmental Research Center; University of North Dakota: 2003–Present. Librarian; Energy & Environmental Research Center; University of North Dakota: 2002–2003. Electronic Records Project Archivists, Indiana University: 2000–2002.


Master of Science in Information and Communication Sciences, Ball State University (current student). Graduate Capstone Certificate in User Experience, University of Wisconsin, Madison: 2018. Archives Leadership Institute: 2008. Master of Library Science, Indiana University: 2000. Master of Arts in Social Science, Ball State University: 1995. Bachelor of Science in History, Ball State University: 1993

Professional Activities:

Academy of Certified Archivists: Member, 2006–Present; Regent for Exam Administration, 2019–2023; ACA Representative, Nexus: LAB: Leading Across Boundaries Project Advisory Board, 2015–2017. Society of American Archivists: Member, 2000–Present; Chair, Dictionary Working Group, 2012–Present; Workshop Instructor, 2007–Present; and several other member/leader positions for SAA section, committees, and taskforces. Midwest Archives Conference: Co-Chair, 2010 Fall Symposium, Midwest Archives Conference, May 2009 – October 2010. ARMA: Workgroup Leader, Website Records Management Working Group, 2008–2009; Member, ARMA Glossary Revision Taskforce, 2004–2006. Also, a member of AIIM, American Association of State and Local History, American Libraries Association, Mountain Plains Library Association, North Dakota Library Association, Special Libraries Association

What do you think the major priority is for this position?

Having recertified by petition several times, most recently in 2023, I continue to invest in my professional growth, strengthening my skills, authority, and credibility in records discussions with people who do not understand what archivists do and why we need to do it. I want to bring this same investment and growth mindset to ACA as a whole.

This starts by continuing the work of the ACA Job Analysis survey. A*Census II All Archivists and Archives Administrators surveys helped us learn who archivists are. The ACA survey focuses on what archivists do and how critical the task or knowledge is to “being an archivist.” Survey are always a point in time for the people who completed it and cannot give the full picture. But they are our starting points for examination, discussions, and actions.

The effort continues by exploring how ACA can support professional growth, including for archivists who do not currently qualify to take the certification exam. We need to make sure we recognize, and quantify, the value of all working in the profession, whether they are CAs or not. ACA cannot change salaries and hiring practices for archivists. That responsibility lies with the hiring institutions. But ACA can become a stronger advocate for our members, and in so doing advocating for all archivists and memory workers.

While Regent for Exam Administration, I corresponded with archivists who have had unconventional paths and no graduate degrees, who work in non-traditional settings, or who have not felt welcomed by ACA. To do better and be better, we need to listen to and learn from these perspectives too.

There are many ways to invest in ACA. I look forward to again working with the ACA Board as we explore the future of what it means to be a Certified Archivist.


Mary McRobinson, CA

Mary McRobinson Image

Professional Experience:

Reference and Publications Unit Manager; Oregon State Archives: 2019-Present. University Archivist; Willamette University: 2006-2019. Head of Arrangement and Description; Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies: 2000-2006.


Master of Business Administration, Willamette University: 2019. Master of Library and Information Science, University of Texas at Austin: 1999. Bachelor of Arts in History, University of Nebraska at Omaha: 1995.

Professional Activities:

Academy of Certified Archivists: Treasurer, 2022-Present: Nominating Committee, 2019-2021: Member, 2006-Present. Northwest Archivists: Past-President, 2018-2019: President, 2017-2018: Vice-President, 2016-2017: Treasurer, 2009-2013: Member, 2007-Present. Oregon Heritage Commission: Advisory Board Member, 2020-Present. Oregon State Historical Records Advisory Board, 2009-2015. Society of American Archivists: Congressional Papers Roundtable, 2006-2008.

What do you think the major priority is for this position?

The role of Treasurer, like all the elected positions, is to be in service to the organization and to ACA’s members. This position is responsible for monitoring the fiscal well-being of ACA, including budgeting, planning, tracking, reporting and financial risk management. It is imperative the Treasurer operates lawfully, ethically and with integrity. The Treasurer pays attention to past performance, present needs, and future goals. This role is an active and engaged one, liaising with ACA’s association management team, communicating with the ACA Board, and participating as a member of the Finance Committee.

I see two major priorities for this position. The first is to continue serving the basic functions and responsibilities of the Treasurer as outlined. This also includes listening to the Board to support agreed upon goals and to notify the Board of the feasibility of proposed initiatives. The second major priority is for the Treasurer to be actively engaged in the strategic planning and sustainability of the organization. This means collaborating with the Board to retain members and look for opportunities to grow the organization and be visionary and responsive to current and future needs.

It's been fulfilling to serve ACA as Treasurer these past two years and I would be honored to serve another term. Thank you for your considering my candidacy.

Diana Zwilling, CA

Diana Zwilling Image

Professional Experience:

Archivist and Records Manager; Catholic Diocese of Raleigh: 2022-Present. Archivist: Catholic Diocese of Raleigh: 2014-2022. Librarian; Wake County Public School System-Raleigh, NC: 2006-2009, 2012-2013. Teacher; Wake County Public School System-Raleigh, NC: 2000-2006. 


Post-Master Certificate in Digital Curation, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill: 2024. Master of Arts in Liberal Studies, Duke University: 2021. Master of Public History, North Carolina State University: 2012. Master of Library Science, North Carolina Central University: 2007. Bachelor of Arts in History, Appalachian State University: 1983.

Professional Activities:

Academy of Certified Archivists: Member, 2022-Present. Association of Catholic Diocesan Archivists: Executive Board Secretary, 2023-Present, Member at Large, 2021-2023, Members Survey Committee, Planning Committee, 2023-Present. Society of American Archivists: Member, 2012-Present.

What do you think the major priority is for this position?

First, it is an honor to have been nominated to the role of treasurer for the Academy of Certified Archives. I welcome the opportunity to serve this community. The priority of the person in this position is to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of ACA, so that it may fulfill its mission: to encourage archivists’ professional development and promote archival excellence through the Academy’s certification process.  

In order to achieve financial sustainability, I would focus on several core values. The first is good stewardship. I would endeavor to involve careful management of accounts as well as regular, clear reporting. Furthermore, as treasurer it would be my responsibility to work with the Board in strategic planning. My role would be to maintain a robust financial foundation that provides the means to support current and future ACA initiatives in a responsible way.

For me, another important value as treasurer would be transparency about ACA’s financial health and decision making. This would include open and frequent communication about budgeting, expenditures, and strategies. When appropriate, ACA membership should be involved in such communications in order to reinforce trust and collective responsibility for the Academy’s fiscal well-being. This would allow members to have an accurate understanding of how their dues are used to facilitate the Academy’s mission.

The priority of my tenure as treasurer for the Academy of Certified Archivists will be to safeguard the financial sustainability of the organization. I plan to do this through stewardship and transparency. In this way, ACA can continue its mission to encourage archivists to pursue professional growth and excellence through the distinction of certification.

Regent for Exam Development

Cheryl Oestreicher, CA

Cheryl Oestreicher Image

Professional Experience:

Head of Special Collections and Archives, Boise State University, 2012-present. Project Archivist for Civil Rights collections, Auburn Avenue Research Library on African American Culture and History/Emory University, 2009-2012. Project Archivist for Chicago Jazz and Contemporary Poetry collections, University of Chicago, 2008-2009. Archives Associate, Drew University, 2005-2008. John Foster and Janet Avery Dulles Archival Fellowship, Princeton University, 2005.


Doctor of Philosophy in Modern History and Literature, Drew University: 2011. Master of Philosophy in Modern History and Literature, Drew University: 2007. Master of Library and Information Science, Dominican University: 2004. Bachelor of Arts in Communication, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh: 1994.

Professional Activities:

Academy of Certified Archivists: Member, 2011-present. Academy of Certified Archivists: Regent for Exam Development, 2022-present. Exam Development Committee: 2019-2022. Academy of Certified Archivists: Nominating Committee: 2017-2019. Academy of Certified Archivists: Recertification Review Task Force: 2016-2017. Society of American Archivists: Author, Reference and Access for Archives and Manuscripts, Archival Fundamental Series III: 2020. Society of American Archivists: Dictionary Working Group, 2022-present. SAA-ACRL/RBMS Joint Task Force to Revise Statement on Access to Research Materials: 2017-2019. Society of American Archivists: Co-Chair, Annual Meeting Program Committee: 2015-2016. Society of American Archivists: Publications Board, 2012-2015.  Council on Library and Information Resources: Review Panelist for Cataloging Hidden Special Collections and Archives grants: 2012-2014. 

What do you think the major priority is for this position?

Having spent nearly five years in ACA exam development, both as Regent and as an Exam Development Committee member, I have learned much about developing a certification exam. The work that goes into developing a reading list and exam questions is extensive. A major priority for this position is to ensure both continue to reflect professional theories and practices. To help accomplish this, one area in development is item-writing workshops. Previously, these were conducted annually with a group who read a set reading list and drafted questions and answers. This model worked well, but I believe this can be expanded. A goal is to reframe this activity where instead of seeking specific questions and answers, to engage the membership in discussions about what they believe is important for all archivists to know. By hosting open discussions about each domain on a more frequent basis, that allows the membership to share their ideas and expertise about current strategies and practices, which in turn will help the EDC develop the reading list and exam. I believe that bringing more members into the development will strengthen the exam for future certified archivists. 

Regent for Outreach

Dylan McDonald, CA

Dylan McDonald Image

Professional Experience:

Political Collections Archivist/Assistant Professor; New Mexico State University: 2019-Present; Adjunct Faculty/History Department; California State University, Sacramento: 2013-2017; Manuscripts Archivist/Deputy City Historian; Center for Sacramento History: 2004-2019; Project Archivist; Idaho State Historical Society: 2003-2004


Master of Arts in History (Applied History/Archives Emphasis), Boise State University: 2002; Bachelor of Science in Sociology, Boise State University: 1999

Professional Activities:

Academy of Certified Archivists: Member, 2004-Present; Border Regional Archives Group: Member, 2019-Present; New Mexico Archives & Archivists: Member, 2020-Present; Co-Chair, 2020-2023; Society of American Archivists: Member, 2000-Present; Annual General Meeting Program Committee, 2003; Society of California Archivists: Member, 2004 – 2018; Election Committee, 2005-2007; Annual General Meeting Program Committee, 2014 and 2015; Society of Southwestern Archivists: Member, 2019-Present; Executive Board, 2020-2022; Executive Board-Finance Committee, 2021-2022; Professional Development Committee, Chair, 2022-2023; Local Arrangements Committee, 2023

What do you think the major priority is for this position?

The major priority for the next Regent for Outreach should be to update and develop more content on the ACA website to promote archival certification.  The website is likely the first point of contact for potential members and the information found there is in need of a refresh. This revision could include short personal testimonies by ACA members, in both written and video format, to highlight how certification has helped their career.  Statements from employers describing how they view certification – when considering job applicants, as a basis for promotions and pay raises, and to provide evidence of the organization’s commitment to their archival mission by having certified staff members – will help in convincing those new to the field of the importance of certification. 

Another fruitful avenue to pursue is soliciting time to present to the three dozen student chapters of the Society of American Archivists at graduate schools across the country.  These new professionals are best primed to join the ranks of the certified and should be consistently recruited.

Dina Mazina, CA

Dina Mazi

Professional Experience:

Deputy Archivist for Archives and Records Managements Training and Services, Senate Historical Office (2022-present); Archivist for the Senate Finance Committee (2014-2022); Archivist for Senator Jay Rockefeller (2013-2014); Archivist for Senator Kent Conrad (2011-2013) 


Masters of Library and Information Science, University of Maryland, College Park, 2010. Bachelor of Arts, Bryn Mawr College, 2008

Professional Activities: 

Academy of Certified Archivists, Member: 2019-present; Society of American Archivists, Member: 2010-present; Congressional Papers Section, Newsletter editor: 2019-2021, Steering Committee Member: 2024; Capitol Hill Archivist and Records Managers (this is an internal group for archivists in Congress), Member, 2010-present; Group Manager (2022-present); Meeting: "Preserving a Senator's Legacy: Day One to Donation" An Open Meeting of the CHARM Group, July 25th, 2023 (Meeting organizer and panel moderator)

What do you think the major priority for this position is?

The major priority for outreach in any professional organization is to excite the membership and make them feel like the organization sees them and their work. As an archivist with a somewhat untraditional role and setting, I often feel like archivist groups could do so much more to appreciate the diversity of experience within the field. I didn’t feel like a valuable professional much of the time. My goal is to make sure that everyone who talks about and joins  ACA feels connected – to each other, to ACA, and to the archives profession.. Outreach is a way for the organization to connect to its base and for the membership’s unique experience to shine through and make us stronger! The priority of the Regent for Outreach should be to shine a spotlight on benefits of membership, to engage them with the organization and in the profession, but most importantly with each other. Making the CA attractive for everyone from students to seasoned professionals thinking about their next challenge is key to ACA’s future.  I want ACA to show the many different ways that archivists work and help preserve and promote history and information, to demonstrate the different ways the Certified Archivist certification helps us do our jobs, and to find new ways for those in the field to work together. Working with the Regent for Member Services, I would use my term to invest in being certified, bringing new ideas to encourage people to become CAs and to stay CAs. I want to join the Board in this important role to make sure that archivists across the profession know that being in ACA gives us all the place to belong. 

Nominations Committee Member

Jennifer Compton, CA

JJ Compton Image

Professional Experience: 

Interim Director of Library Services, Oklahoma Christian University (2022-present); Associate Professor of Technical Services & Archives, Oklahoma Christian University (2015-2022); Assistant Professor of Technical Services & Archives, Oklahoma Christian University (2010-2015); Instructor of Technical Services & Archives, Oklahoma Christian University (2002-2010); Graduate Assistant, Carl Albert Congressional Archives (2000-2002); Reference Assistant, Oklahoma Christian University (2001-2002); Graduate Research Assistant, Political Communications Center, Commercial Archive (Summer 2001); Intern, Oklahoma Historical Society, Archives Division (Summer 2002); Undergraduate Research Assistant, Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial Archives (Spring 2000); Undergraduate Cataloging Assistant, Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (Fall 1999)  


PhD Candidate in History, Swansea University, Wales, UK, 2017-2024 (current); Master of Library and Information Science, University of Oklahoma, 2002; Bachelor of Arts in History and Ministry, Oklahoma Christian University, 2000

Professional Activities: 

ACA (Academy of Certified Archivists), Member, 2017-present; ACL (Association of Christian Libraries), Member, 2021-present; Alpha Chi, lifetime member; Beta Phi Mu, Lambda Chapter, Member, 2002-present; Served as President 2007-2009 and 2013-2015; CCL (Christian College Librarians), Member 2002-present; served on Archives Committee, Nominating Committee and Scholarship Committee; NCPH (National Council on Public History), Member 2019-present ; OAA (Oklahoma Archivists Association) formerly COAL (Central Oklahoma Archivists League), Founding member; OCALD (Oklahoma College & Academic Library Directors), Interim representative; OHEHS (Oklahoma Higher Education Historical Society), University Representative; OKULS (Oklahoma Union List of Serials); OMA (Oklahoma Museum Association), Member 2010-present; OU SLIS (School of Library and Information Studies), Alumni Association, Member 2002-present; Phi Alpha Theta, lifetime member; SSA (Society of Southwest Archivists), Member 2002-present. 2021-present State Partnerships and Outreach Committee (SPOC)

What has your experience been with ACA, and how would you find members to run for office?

Being in ACA has offered me a lot of mentors and connections that I wouldn’t have found in other archival organizations. I would find members to run by emailing and contacting them directly, especially new members interested in contributing more to the organization. 

Kristy Martin, CA

Kristy Martin image

Professional Experience: 

Metadata Specialist; The Walt Disney Company: 2022-Present. Cultural Heritage Emergency Preparedness Consultant; Northeast Document Conservation Center: 2022. Film Archives Associate; Lucasfilm Film Archives 2021-2022. Records Management and Information Specialist; FEMA 2021. 


Master of Library Science, Emporia State University: 2020. Bachelor of Arts in History, Washington State University: 1994. 

Professional Activities: 

Academy of Certified Archivists: Job Analysis Committee Member, 2023-2024, Membership Committee 2020-2021, Member 2020-present. Society of American Archivists: Foundation Board Member: 2021-2022; Member 2020-present. Society of California Archivists: Local Arrangements Committee: 2020; Member 2020-present. Association of Moving Image Archivists: Member 2021-present. International Council on Archives: Member 2021-present. The Walt Disney Company: Community Emergency Response Team Member, 2024-present.

What has your experience been with ACA, and how would you find members to run for office?

Being a member of the Academy of Certified Archivists has been a positive influence on my professional growth and development. Interacting with Archivists from wide-ranging backgrounds has greatly increased my knowledge and understanding of the field. From the monthly Zoom chats to participating in committees, I have come away encouraged and inspired to be an Archivist.

To find members to run for office, I would reach out to current members and past leaders as they will have a good understanding of the role as well as refer others. Additionally, looking to adjacent professional organizations such as the Society of American Archivists for interested members, and reaching out to new professionals in the field to share their perspectives.  

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